Sunday, November 28, 2010


Character of K:

Artist eyes always claim to be different. And the judgment of aesthetics is varied. We haven’t claim a color that is the most beautiful. Otherwise, every painting will looks like the same.

K was a color blind. Alike some kind of animals, (quote)

Dogs can’t distinguish between green and orange which will both look grayish. Toss a bright orange tennis ball across a green lawn and you’ll find a dog can follow it fine while it’s in motion. Once it comes to rest a distracted dog might lose the ball against the background. Only its shape will cause it to stand out.

Feline animals see in color, but they have trouble distinguishing reds; the human counterpart being protanopia. Reds appear as differing shades of gray to a cat. It is believed both dogs and cats see mainly in grays, yellows, and blues.

Colors are often used as cues. Poisonous mushrooms, for example, are sometimes brightly colored as a warning.

Back to K, this is how she reacted to the world. It is as hard for us to imagine how birds perceive color as it is for K to imagine full color vision; it is outside of our experience.


In the printing worlds, color is divided in to CMYK, that is Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black, in which all colors are printed in a mixture from it. For some specific colors like neon colors, gold, we use pantone colors and specific printing colors to make it solid. Some of the olden colors we seen in the 60s are even made by some poison colors, we can try to swallow a bit to suicide.

Meanwhile K, her eyes are very special, her colors in the eyes are bright, vivid, which makes the saturation extremely glowing and blooming. To certain extent, it is hard for you to imagine how she face everyday.

Alike the specialty a butterfly does, she can differentiate the genders of a butterfly. For a normal human like us, our brain can see a million of colors like the computer did, but for her she can even recognize a billion color or it.

I was so frustrating for the limitations of the color I can use for the color pencils! It is a so terrible that the limitations of choice affects my creativity.

Color is so influencing to my daily life, for me, the color of human race is not limited to black white or yellow, more specifically , there is yellowish white, whitish black, brownish yellow, the combination is wide, and the problems happens in the color of eyes too.

People often say that the beauty of Van Goth painting comes from the pure color he use, and the reason he can use it is because of his paint provided by his brother theo, the color is natural with being mixture or polluted. In fact, there’s still plenty of colors human didn’t realize but I am really sad that no one can have the same sight as me.

I close my eyes in order to see, the black isn’t the black we use to know. It is a black contains red, blue, and yellow, and the blood vessels of the eyes is like a microscope to see the germs and blood flowing, though it sounds a bit horrible and annoying.

Let me to introduce my career to you. I use to work as a copywriter, in an classic art sumpplier store, faber castel. It was a very famous brand for the artist, and for some people my work is very boring and not challenging at all. But for me, I am quite enjoy in it. What I need to do is to think of a name of every item they need to be published. Like black ink is calling Indian black , white is renamed as Chinese white, cherry brown…etc.

Compare to those printing production factory to bookmark the color into pantone system, naming it as n216c, 316b into alphabet, I think my job is more romantic than them.

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